
Open DEI

About Open DEI

Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large-Scale Pilots in Digitising European Industry

The digital transformation strategy of the European Union has, among others, a particular priority: the creation of common data platforms based on a unified architecture and an established standard. As part of the Horizon 2020 programme, the OPEN DEI project focuses on “Platforms and Pilots” to support the implementation of next generation digital platforms in four basic industrial domains:

Opening the eyes of European industry and society to the returns from Digital Transformation


OPEN DEI strives to implement all efforts for the benefit of the target projects’ ecosystem:
Task Forces to collectively address medium to long term challenges to be initiated by current projects but fully implemented by next generation HEP or DEP initiatives (e.g. Data Spaces; Business Ecosystems; Twin Transition)
Working Groups to specifically address short term issues and contribute to projects’ objectives and deliverables


Task Force 1

Data spaces experts team up to define for the first time cross-sectoral and across initiatives the fundamental design principles to build data spaces.


Task Force 2

TF2 is a Think Tank to come up with reference models that will consolidate a Position Paper to drive the data-powered Digital Transformation in the European Community.

Digital Platforms, Pilots and Standards

Task Force 3

To create knowledge and tools to foster effective sharing and assessment of experiences and lessons learned on how platforms supporting Digital Transformation can be architected, crossing the boundaries of specific applicative sectors.

Digital Transformation & Business Impact

Task Force 4

Think Tank to create knowledge and tools to foster effective sharing and assessment of experiences and lessons learnt on analysing the drivers and barriers for adoption of platforms supporting Digital Transformation and on assessing their business impact.


OPEN DEI Healthcare cluster obtains a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) – Good practice guide for obtaining user consent for personal health information

June 21st, 2022|Healthcare|

AICCELERATE keeps working on the Smart Hospital Care Pathway Engine, the scalable AI tool that will allow the implementation of 3 pilots in five European hospitals

May 17th, 2022|Healthcare|



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