BD4OPEM Day – Big Data, the Holy Grail for the energy grid

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The H2020 project BD4OPEM is organizing the first open pitch webinar on the 13th of October 0930 – 1230, where it will be showcased how the project will leverage big data in order to catapult the energy market into the green transition.

As global demand for electricity is increasing and energy systems have moved from an analog to an interconnected real-time digital world. Huge amounts of data, mostly unused or underused, are available, offering great potential to develop exciting new services to tackle everything from theft, grid disturbances, fluctuating loads, errors, and maintenance affecting the energy grid which is our veins of energy in our modern society that enables us to do everything from reading in the dark to colliding electrons. BD4OPEM will develop products and services to improve the planning, monitoring, operation, and maintenance of electrical distribution grids, all made available in an open innovation marketplace.

Register and join the webinar to hear about how the project will leverage big data for a bright future.

For more information and register here: Big Data, the Holy Grail for the energy grid Tickets, Thu 13 Oct 2022 at 09:30 | Eventbrite

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